About our Members
The Association d’Experts Européens du Bâtiment et de la Construction (Association of European Building Surveyors and Construction Experts), in short the AEEBC brings together 11 National associations of Building Surveyors and Construction Experts from across Europe.
The common fields of activity of an "Expert Européen du Bâtiment et
de la Construction"/"European Building Surveyor and Construction
Expert" are the technological and management processes by which
buildings are constructed, renewed and repaired, in accordance with
the national legislation of individual countries.
Their expertise includes
a knowledge of the economic and legal framework within which
building projects are conceived, funded and constructed.
Member Categories
Principal Member Representatives
People appointed by the Principal Member Organisations of the AEEBC to represent them.
The following principles apply:
* We agree to promote the principal objective of the AEEBC namely:
“to facilitate the promotion and development of the building surveying/building expert profession in Europe and the exchange of experience and information between professionally qualified building surveyors/experts who are responsible for the technological and managerial processes by which buildings are constructed, renewed and repaired”
*We agree not to use the Affiliate Membership Status as a professional qualification or that the AEEBC provides through Affiliate Membership status any recognition of competence.
*We agree to uphold the core values of the AEEBC as outlined in the AEEBC Affiliate Membership Guide.
Affiliate Membership
Affiliate Membership is open to any organisation, such as a company, University, Government department, or a charity etc. who have an interest in the promotion and development of the Building Surveyor and Construction Expert. All Affiliate Members subscribe to the aims of the AEEBC and its core values.- Affiliate Membership Recognition of a European Professional Association
- Access to professional associations and businesses represented within the AEEBC wider community
- Networking with organisations from related professions across Europe
- Opportunities for knowledge exchange, training and Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
- Business opportunities with other members
- Opportunity to recruit professional staff from across Europe
- Access to other European Professional Organisations and Academic Institutions
- Access to AEEBC Members' only forum and resources on the AEEBC website
- Opportunity to attend AEEBC meetings and participate in seminars and workshops
- AEEBC Affiliate Membership certificate*
- Use of AEEBC branding (as per the policy)
- Do you have an interest in promoting the ‘building surveyor/construction expert’ profession?
- Do you work within the construction industry?
- Do you provide support services to practising building surveyors and construction experts?
- Do you engage the services of construction experts?, e.g. as employers and clients.
- Are you a university, educator, researcher or academic working in fields of study related to the education, professional development and knowledge of the building surveyor/construction expert?
- Are you willing to sign an undertaking that you support the principle aims and work of the AEEBC and its core values?
- Opportunities for knowledge exchange, training and Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
- Joint bidding and support for research bids
- Collaboration in research activity, providing data, European networks and valorisation
- Opportunity to support students with workplace experience across Europe
- Extended representation and support for example in ECCREDI (The European Council for Construction Research, Development and Innovation)
Member Information (by Country)

Principal Member
Union Belge des Géomètres-Experts, 76 rue du Nord, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium. WebsitePrincipal Member Representative
Eric De KeghelEurBE Members
Eric De KeghelPast Presidents
Mr Francis Wargnies
Principal Member
Konstruktørforeningen, Ny Kongensgade 15, 2nd floor 1472 Copenhagen, Denmark. WebsitePrincipal Member Representative
Kirsten NeilsenEurBE Members
Christian Vrist | Lisbeth Fjordvald | Frederik DavidsenAffiliate Members
VIA University College Denmark | Copenhagen School of Design & Technology | University College of Northern DenmarkPast Presidents
Gert Johansen
Principal Member
Rakennusmestarit Ja –Insinöörit amk RKL | Rahakamarinportti, 3 A 00240, Helsinki, Finland | WebsitePrincipal Member Representative
Ari Autio | Hannu JarvelainenEurBE Members
Kai-Mikael Toivola | Ari Autio | Ahti JunttilaFinnish Construction Managers and Engineers (RKL)
Finnish Construction Managers and Engineers (RKL) is a professional association established in 1905, bringing together educated experts in construction. The association serves its members – 69 local associations and their 5400 members and over 2000 student members all around Finland. Its main purpose is to bring added value through professional training, advocacy, sharing knowledge and networking.
Ordinary members need to have a diploma from a university of applied sciences or previous polytechnic institute, related to construction/engineering. Members represent a wide range of building professionals, entrepreneurs, consultants, supervisors, managers and planners.
Contact us via

Honorary Members
Paul Caillon
Principal Member
Bundesverband Deutscher Bausachverstaendiger e.V. - BBauSV | Edelsbergstr 8, 80686 Munchen, Germany | WebsitePrincipal Member Representative
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin HomannEurBE Members
Martin Homann | Lawrence WainwrightAffiliate Members
TA Europe
Principal Member
The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland | 38 Merrion Square, Dublin 2. Ireland | WebsiteChartered Institute of Building (Ireland) | Office no 314, Fitzwilliam Business Centre, Benson Street, 77 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin, Ireland | Website
Principal Member Representative
Brigid BrowneHonorary Members
Joe Twomey | Kevin Sheridan | Rob PattersonEurBE Members
Robert Patterson | Kevin Sheridan | Peter Enda McDonald | Ciaran Banahan | Sean Downey | Patrick Quearney | David Courtney | Fergus MerrimanPast Presidents
Kevin Sheridan | Rob Patterson Dating back to 1895, the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland is the independent professional body for Chartered Surveyors working and practicing in Ireland. Working in partnership with RICS, the pre-eminent Chartered professional body for the construction, land and property sectors, the Society acts in the public interest: setting and maintaining the highest standards of competence and integrity.
Advancing standards in construction, land and property, the Chartered Surveyor professional qualification is the world’s leading qualification when it comes to professional standards. Members of the profession are typically employed in the construction, land and property markets through private practice, in central and local government, in state agencies, in academic institutions, in business organisations and in non[1]governmental organisations.
Contact us via

Principal Member
Consiglio Nazionale Geometri | Via Barberin 68, 00187 Rome, Italy | WebsitePrincipal Member Representative
Mr.Maurizio Savoncelli | Madam Maria Grazia ScorzaAffiliate Members
Mr Franco Meccoli | Geometra Ferrara Giuseppe | University of Ferrara
Principal Member
Honorary Member/Past President
Rob de Wildt
Principal Member
Polish Association of Building Managers | ul. Powazkowska 44c, 01-797 Warszawa, Poland | WebsitePrincipal Member Representative
Mr Andrzej Minasowicz | Mr Paul NowakEurBE Members
Janusz Sobieraj | Pawel Piechal | Andrzej Minasowicz | Pawel Nowak | Janusz Zaleski | Miroslaw Jozef Herman
Principal Member
Consejo General de la Arquitectura Técnica de España | Paseo de la Castellana, 155, 1°, 28046 Madrid | WebsitePrincipal Member Representative
Juan Lopez Asiain MartinezEurBE Members
Jose Alberto Sanchez Del Castillo | Iñaki Pérez Eduardo Pérez de Ascanio | Alfonso Nieto | Juan López-Asiain | Sergio Vazquez | Alejandro Payán | David García | Alfredo Pérez | Eduardo Cuevas | Rafael Luna | Alfredo Sanz | Miguel Ángel Yebra | Toni Floriach | Jaime Gabriel SolerSpanish General Council of Technical Architecture (CGATE).
CGATE’s main objectives are to represent and defend the interests of the Technical Architect profession at a national and international level; to represent and coordinate the professional organisation as a whole; to inform about state laws affecting the professional duties and degree curricula; to inform about the recognition of diplomas issued in other states; and to promote, at all levels, the greater prestige of the profession.
(Technical Architect), which is a “regulated profession” that legally qualifies a person to carry out regulated professional activities within the meaning of article 1 and 3.1.a) of the Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualification. Nowadays there are more than 50,000 members of us in Spain.
Main areas of professional development:
1. Management of the Execution of the Building (Site Management).
2. Management and Control of the quality of the building.
3. Construction materials and their recycling.
4. Building systems, technology and architectural graphic expression.
5. Structural systems and facilities in buildings.
6. Production management systems on site, businesses and rules and regulations.
7. Management of the building process (timing, economics, measurements and valuations).
8. Projects. Health and Safety and Prevention.
Contact us via

Principal Member
Svenska Byggingenjörers Riksförbund SBR | Folkungagatan 122, 116 30 Stockholm, Sweden | WebsitePrincipal Member Representative
Linn BessnerEurBE Members
Andreas LundströmAffiliate Members
Andreas Lundström
Principal Member
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors | 12 Great George Street, Parliament Square, London, SW1P 3AD | WebsiteChartered Institute of Building | 1 Arlington Square, Downshire Way, Bracknell, RG12 1WA | Website
Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists | 397 City Road London EC1V 1NH | Website